Хронический гастрит с кишечной эпителий

, , , . , , Helicobacter pylori, . , . . , III . pylori.

        : , , , Helicobacter pylori, .

” “. , , (, , ), . , : ” – , , , …” ” – “. , – “” (, . .), ” “.

, , , , . “” ” “, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), .  

, , : , (. 1).

Хронический гастрит с кишечной эпителий

. 1.

, , . (), . [3].

. , – [61]. .

[3,7]. . , – . pylori.

Helicobacter pylori

” “, , , , . – , . , , , , .

– . pylori ( , ) -8 (IL-8) . , , . pylori, 100% . , , . pylori, iL-8- . IL-8 CagA-, VacA- , .

. pylori, , . . pylori , , , “” , IgG IgA, ” ” . pylori. , . pylori , . , . , , .

70% . pylori ; – 2% [6]. . , .

. pylori , [63]. CagA- , [48]. – (. 2). .. . [3], . pylori 50%, . pylori – 80%, – 100% . , , – . – [32], [29], [39]. 

Хронический гастрит с кишечной эпителий

. 2. , . pylori

, ( , , , . .) . / , [49].

, , . . pylori J. Warren . Marshall [59] ; , .

[8], [4], . pylori- (. 1).

1. , ( .. , .. [4])
, %

( )

II ( )

. pylori-

( II)







, , . pylori 4-9 , [18,23,31,39]; 80% . pilori- [4]. 1994 . (IARC) H. pylori I , [34, 56].

, ; . pylori , , [8]. , , . pylori, ( – – CDH1 16q22.1) [10]. P. Lauren (1965 .), 3 – ( ), , . , . pylori- .  

, 50-70- , .. . pylori. , – , – [10]. , . pylori, , , – , ; , , , , .

1988 . . rr [21], H. pylori. H. pylori [23,25] . (. 3). , H. pylori , . , , . pylori . , . pylori in vitro , [17], . , . pylori , . . pylori , , , . 

Хронический гастрит с кишечной эпителий

. 3. ( . rr, 1988, 1990) [21,25]. 1 – 3 – ,

, , . pylori, , , [21,35,50].

– 26 132 [8].

: . pylori ( , MALT-), [12-14,19,28,46,57], (1-2%) H. pilory- [1,2], ( , ) .

, . pylori, – , , , . , , , – (). , . pylori [2]. , , 1% , ; 1% (“” “” P. Sipponen). , . pylori-accopo . , . pylori , () , , , . , , , – [12].

H. pylori- , . ( ) . [10].

, – , , , , , . , -, , , , – [8]. , Cag-A- . pylori . , , “” , . IL-8 Cag– . pylori, , [10] (. 4). 

Хронический гастрит с кишечной эпителий

. 4. . . pylori,

, , . , IL-8 . , , IL-10, . , IL-10 , . pylori . : IL-10, , , . IL-10, , . pylori .

, , (HLA, IL-10) [15,41,62], – , , [2].

, . () .

– (. 5). ( , ), – . , , , ” – ” ” – ” [7]. , , , [3,44] (. . 5).


Хронический гастрит с кишечной эпителий

. 5.

– , , – . , , – – [7].

, , (. 2). . , . , 3 :

I – ( , );

II – ( );

III – ( ).

(I) (II, III)
(IA) (IB) (IIB) (III)










, – ; , . .

, . , , , . , . , . , . , 53, , , . , – [3].

(98%) , – 38% [52], , . , , [55]. [3]. , , .


. pylori, , , , . .

. pylori , 1-3 – [33], , , [9].

, . pylori [51]. , [30,33,36,39].

. pylori- [33,38,58], [24,53]. , – [24,58]. – , 587 . pylori , , , 45 , , , . , [40].

. 6, . – . . . pylori .

Хронический гастрит с кишечной эпителий

. 6.

, . pylori, . . pylori, II [42]. ( ) – , ( , , ). : () , 2000 / 1000 / 7 . ( . pylori 4-6 ) : 480 /, 2000 /, 1000 / 7 .

17-18 2005 . III . pylori. – . , , ( 10 40 ). . pylori , 1500 /. , , 2000 / (2000 /) (400 /). 14 . , – . pylori . , . pylori, , , III .

, , . – , , .

, . , , , , . pylori ( ). , , , . ( 10 ), ( 20 ). : 30 50%.

, , , , , . , , . , 0,5 , – 0,07 [43]. , .

[16,45,47,60]. . Baisley ., >4 (10 /) (20 /) , [16]. 20 /, , , (38,5 19,4%), (52,8 42,5%) [60]. , [11,27].

, , . , -450: CYP2C19 CYP3A4. , , -450 [54]. , CYP2C19, , , . 63 , , , [37]. (10, 20 40 /) [20].

  1. .. Helicobacter pylori: // . . . – 2004. – 1. – C. 36-41. 
  2. .. 100 Helicobacter pylori . ? // . . . – 2004. – 1 ( .). – . 12-18. 
  3. .., .., .. . – .: -. 1998. – . 80-85, 272. 
  4. .., .. // . . ., ., . -2002. – . 12, 3. – C. 7-14. 
  5. .., .., .. . // . – 1999. – 1. – . 13-17. 
  6. .., .. . – : -. 2003. – 412 . 
  7. .., .., .., .. : , // . . . – 2004. – 1 ( .). – . 114-125. 
  8. .., .. // Consilium medicum. – 2002. – . “”. – . 13-18. 
  9. .., .. . pylori- // . . . – 2004. – 1 ( .). – . 153-159. 
  10. .., .. , Helicobacter pylori, // . . – 2004. – . – . 57-60. 
  11. Adachi ., Hashimoto ., Hanimnoto N. et al. Symptom relief in patients with reflux esophagitis: comparative study of omeprazole, lansoprazole, and rabeprazole // J.Gastroenterol. Hepatol. – 2003. – Vol. 18, 12. – P. 1392-1398. 
  12. Alsolaiman M.M., Bakis G., Nazeer T. et. al. Five years of complete feraission of gastric diffuse large cell lymphoma after eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection // Gut. – 2003. – Vol. 52. – P. 507-509. 
  13. Annibale ., Di Giulio E., Caruana P. et al. The long-term effects of cure of Helicobacter pylori infection on patients with atrophic body gastritis // Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. – 2002. – Vol. 16. – P. 1723-1731. 
  14. Asaka M., Kato M., Kudo M. et al. Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection, atrophic gastritis and gastric carcinoma in a Japanese population // Eur. J. Gastroentrol. Hepatol. – 1995. – Vol. 7 (suppl.). – P. 7-10. 
  15. zuma ., Ito S., Sato F. et al. The role of the HLA-DQA1 gene in resistance to atrophic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma, induced by Helicobacter pylori infection // Cancer. – 1998. – Vol. 82. – P. 1013-1018. 
  16. Baisley K., Tejura ., Morocutti A. et al. Rabiprazole 10 mg is equivalent to esomeprazole 20 mg in control of gastric pH in healthy volunteers // Am. J. Gastroenterol. – 2001, – Vol. 96 (suppl.). – P. 148. 
  17. Bode C. Vergani G. Helicobacter pylori stimulates, proliferation of Morris hepatoma (MH 1 Cl 7795) cells // Acta Gastroenterol. Belg. – 1993. – Vol. 56. – P. 69. 
  18. Camargo M.C. Yepez M.C., Ceron . et al. Age at acquisition of Helicobacter pylori infection: Comparison of two areas with contrasting risk of gastric cancer // Helicobacter. – 2004. – Vol. 9. – P. 262-270. 
  19. Caruso M.L., Fucci L. Histological identification of Helicobacter pylori in early and advanced gastric cancer // J. Clio. Gastroenterol. – 1990.- Vol. 2. – P. 601-602. 
  20. Cloud M.L., Enas N., Humphries T.J., Bassion S. and the Rabeprazole Study Group. Results of three placebo-controlled dose-response clinical trails in duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease // Dig. Dis. Sci. – 1998. – Vol.43. -P. 99-1000. 
  21. Correa P. A human model of gastric carcinogenesis // Cancer Res. – 1998. – Vol. 48. – P. 3554-3560. 
  22. Correa P. Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: state of the art // Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prew. – 1996. – Vol. 5. – P. 477-481. 
  23. Correa P. The biological model of gastric carcinogenesis // JARC Sci. Publ. – 2004. – Vol. 157. – P. 301-310. 
  24. Correa P., Fontham E.T.H., Bravo J. et al. Chemoprevention of gastric dysplasia: randomised trail of antioxidant supplements and anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy // J. Natl. Cancer Inst. – 2000. – Vol. 92. – P. 1881-1888. 
  25. Correa P., Haenszel W., Cuetlo C. et al. Gastric, precancerous process in a high-risk, population: cohort follow-up // Cancer Res. – 1990. – Vol. 50. – P. 4737-4740. 
  26. Danesh J. Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer; systematic review of the epidemiological studies // Aliment Pharmacol. Ther. – 1999. – Vol. 13. – P. 851-856. 
  27. Dekkers C.P.M., Better J.A., Thiodleifsson B. et al. Comparison of rabeprazole 20 mg vs. omeprazole 20 mg in treatment of active duodenal ulcer; a European multicentre study // Aliment Pharmacol. Ther. – 1999. – Vol. 13. – P. 179-186. 
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Helicobacter pylori

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. pylori ( , )
-8 (IL-8)
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IL-8 CagA-, VacA-

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IgA, ” ” . pylori.
, . pylori

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. pylori ;
– 2% [6].
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. pylori ,

CagA- ,

(.2). .. . [3],
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80%, – 100% . ,
, –
. –


, (
, , , .
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J. Warren . Marshall [59]

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1. ,
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4-9 ,
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[4]. 1994 . (IARC)
H. pylori I ,
[34, 56].

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[8]. , ,
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( – – CDH1 16q22.1)
[10]. P. Lauren (1965 .), 3
– ( ),
. ,
. – .

. 3. ( . rr,
1988, 1990) [21,25]. 1 – 3 – ,

, 50-70- , ..
. pylori. ,

– [10].
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– , ;

, ,
, , .

1988 . . rr [21],
H. pylori. H. pylori
[23,25] .

, H. pylori
, . , ,
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. pylori in vitro ,
[17], .
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, . . pylori



, . pylori,

. 4. .
. pylori,

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pylori ( ,
MALT-), [12-14,19,28,46,57],
(1-2%) H. pilory-
( , )

, . pylori,

, , ,
. ,
, ,
– ().
. pylori [2]. ,
, 1%
, ;
(“” “”
P. Sipponen). ,
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. , . pylori
, () ,
, ,
, ,
, – [12].

H. pylori-
, .

( )

– , , ,
, , .
, -,
, , –
[8]. ,
Cag-A- . pylori
, “” ,
. IL-8
Cag– . pylori, ,
[10] (.4).

, .
, IL-8
. ,
, IL-1?,
. , IL-1?
. pylori .
IL-1?, , ,
IL-1, ,
. pylori

(HLA, IL-10) [15,41,62],
– ,
, [2].



– (.5).
, ), – .
, , ,
” – ” ” – ”
[7]. ,
, ,
[3,44] (..5).

. 5.

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, ,

, .

3 :

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II – ( );

III – ( ).

(I) (II, III)
(IA) (IB) (IIB) (III)











– ;

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. ,
, .
, .
, –

(98%) ,
– 38% [52], ,



. pylori,
, , ,


. pylori
, 1-3 –
, ,


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. pylori-
– [24,58].
– , 587
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. pylori

. 6.

, . pylori, .

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II [42].
) –
, ( , ,
). :
() , 2000 / 1000 /
7 . ( . pylori
4-6 )
: 480 /, 2000 /,
1000 / 7 .

17-18 2005 .
III . pylori.

– .
, ,

10 40 ). . pylori
1500 /.
, 2000 / (2000 /)
(400 /). 14
, –
. pylori . ,
. pylori,
, ,


, .

, , .

, .
, ,
, . pylori
( ).
, , ,
. (
10 ),
( 20 ).
: 30

, , ,
, ,
. ,
. ,
0,5 ,
– 0,07 [43]. ,

[16,45,47,60]. . Baisley .,
>4 (10
/) (20 /) ,
20 /,
, ,
19,4%), (52,8 42,5%) [60].


, , .
-450: CYP2C19 CYP3A4.
, -450 [54].

CYP2C19, , ,
. 63 ,
, [37].
(10, 20 40 /)

1. .. Helicobacter pylori:
// . . . – 2004. – 1. – C. 36-41.

2. .. 100 Helicobacter pylori
. ? // . . . – 2004. – 1 (
.). – . 12-18.

3. .., .., ..
. – .: -. 1998. – . 80-85, 272.

4. .., ..
// . . ., ., . -2002. – . 12, 3. – C.

5. .., .., .. .
// . – 1999. – 1. – . 13-17.

6. .., .. . – : -. 2003. –
412 .

7. .., .., .., ..
: ,

// . . . – 2004. – 1 ( .). – .

8. .., ..
// Consilium medicum. – 2002. – . “”. – . 13-18.

9. .., ..
. pylori- //
. . . – 2004. – 1 ( .). – .

10. .., .. , Helicobacter
pylori, // . . – 2004. – . – . 57-60.

11. Adachi ., Hashimoto ., Hanimnoto N. et al. Symptom relief in patients with
reflux esophagitis: comparative study of omeprazole, lansoprazole, and
rabeprazole // J.Gastroenterol. Hepatol. – 2003. – Vol. 18, 12. – P.

12. Alsolaiman M.M., Bakis G., Nazeer T. et. al. Five years of complete
feraission of gastric diffuse large cell lymphoma after eradication of
Helicobacter pylori infection // Gut. – 2003. – Vol. 52. – P. 507-509.

13. Annibale ., Di Giulio E., Caruana P. et al. The long-term effects of cure
of Helicobacter pylori infection on patients with atrophic body gastritis //
Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. – 2002. – Vol. 16. – P. 1723-1731.

14. Asaka M., Kato M., Kudo M. et al. Relationship between Helicobacter pylori
infection, atrophic gastritis and gastric carcinoma in a Japanese population //
Eur. J. Gastroentrol. Hepatol. – 1995. – Vol. 7 (suppl.). – P. 7-10.

15. zuma ., Ito S., Sato F. et al. The role of the HLA-DQA1 gene in resistance
to atrophic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma, induced by Helicobacter pylori
infection // Cancer. – 1998. – Vol. 82. – P. 1013-1018.

16. Baisley K., Tejura ., Morocutti A. et al. Rabiprazole 10 mg is equivalent
to esomeprazole 20 mg in control of gastric pH in healthy volunteers // Am. J.
Gastroenterol. – 2001, – Vol. 96 (suppl.). – P. 148.

17. Bode C. Vergani G. Helicobacter pylori stimulates, proliferation of Morris
hepatoma (MH 1 Cl 7795) cells // Acta Gastroenterol. Belg. – 1993. – Vol. 56. –
P. 69.

18. Camargo M.C. Yepez M.C., Ceron . et al. Age at acquisition of Helicobacter
pylori infection: Comparison of two areas with contrasting risk of gastric
cancer // Helicobacter. – 2004. – Vol. 9. – P. 262-270.

19. Caruso M.L., Fucci L. Histological identification of Helicobacter pylori in
early and advanced gastric cancer // J. Clio. Gastroenterol. – 1990.- Vol. 2. –
P. 601-602.

20. Cloud M.L., Enas N., Humphries T.J., Bassion S. and the Rabeprazole Study
Group. Results of three placebo-controlled dose-response clinical trails in
duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease // Dig. Dis.
Sci. – 1998. – Vol.43. -P. 99-1000.

21. Correa P. A human model of gastric carcinogenesis // Cancer Res. – 1998. –
Vol. 48. – P. 3554-3560.

22. Correa P. Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: state of the art // Cancer
Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prew. – 1996. – Vol. 5. – P. 477-481.

23. Correa P. The biological model of gastric carcinogenesis // JARC Sci. Publ.
– 2004. – Vol. 157. – P. 301-310.

24. Correa P., Fontham E.T.H., Bravo J. et al. Chemoprevention of gastric
dysplasia: randomised trail of antioxidant supplements and anti-Helicobacter
pylori therapy // J. Natl. Cancer Inst. – 2000. – Vol. 92. – P. 1881-1888.

25. Correa P., Haenszel W., Cuetlo C. et al. Gastric, precancerous process in a
high-risk, population: cohort follow-up // Cancer Res. – 1990. – Vol. 50. – P.

26. Danesh J. Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer; systematic
review of the epidemiological studies // Aliment Pharmacol. Ther. – 1999. – Vol.
13. – P. 851-856.

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